Friday 14th February 2025 | Jumuah 15th Sha'ban 1446 [?]
Notice: Please look for Ramadan 1446 Hilal on 28 Feb & 1 Mar 2025. Jzk [Read more]
UK Moon Sighting Fatawa (from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) [Summary] [Booklet]
UK-only Moon Sighting Criteria Survey Results: 85% Yes and 15% No [Read more]
Appeal for Prompt Hilal Testimony
Please download the attached ICOUK appeal letter to support the monthly UK Hilal Testimony and Declaration process and SHARE it with all your UK Imams and the Muslims community groups. JazakAllahu Khaira! [Download]

Moon Sighting UK Procedure
(1) Sighting, (2) Reporting, (3) Testimony and then (4) Declaration (by Ulama Panel) in all 12 months of the year according to the rules of Shariah (see Hilal Testimony Procedure)

Hijri Month
Announcement for Shaban 1446
Local (UK-only): Start of Shaban on Fri, 31 Jan 2025, InShaAllah.
View Observations Results for Shaban 1446 AH

When is Ramadan and Eid-ul Fitr 1446 (UK)?

This video will explain "When is Ramadan and Eid-ul Fitr 1446" based on Moon Sightings in the UK, Morocco and Saudi Arabia.

HMNAO: Ramadan 2025 Crescent Visibility Prediction
The visibility of the new crescent moon for Feb/Mar 2025 and the potential start of Ramadan is shown in the table below. We have included Mecca, Rabat, Dakhla, New York and a number of cities across the UK. [Download (pdf)]

Is Global Sighting Proven from the Quran and Sunnah? [Read more]

Explanation of the UK and Morocco calendars (1444) [YouTube]

Comparison of the UK and Morocco Hilal Sighting Reports (1439 - 1446 AH)
Comparison UK Morocco1445a Looking at the past few years of observation data, it appears that (1) it is possible to sight the first day’s Hilal on the UK horizon throughout the year, (2) attempting to sight the Hilal on the UK 29th, shows it will more than double the number of 29th day sightings than looking on Morocco 29th (see tables on the link below). The data proves that UK-only sightings fully meet the rules of Shariah. [Read more]

The Hanafi Madhab: Global Moon Sighting is NOT proven! [View Poster] [Urdu PDF]

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