Tuesday 22nd October 2024 | Thulatha 18th Rabi-II 1446 [?]

Related: Charity Gift Aid Declaration (boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate!)

The ICOUK is a volunteer (non-profit) organisation and all our expenses are met through the kind donations of our members. We have ongoing costs relating to website developments, hosting, security, facsimile, SMS, publicity and other miscellaneous costs. To help us meet our monthly financial obligations, we request all members to donate a small amount (e.g. £5 or £10) every month.

To make a donation (from within the UK), please use one of the methods below:

Bank Account:

Bank: HSBC
A/c Name: ICOUK
Sort Code: 40-47-31
A/c Number: 04405668

For regular donations, please set up a Bank Standing Order online using the above details or use a Bank Standing Order Form and give it to your bank. Let us know the details via Contact Us form and we shall provide you with a Reference Number (ICOUK/YYYYMM<nn>)  to include with your regular payments. JazakAllahu Khaira!

total giving logoThe Total Giving method will increase your donation through GiftAid to our ICOUK charity! PayPalDonateDebit/Credit Cards: via PayPal (Note: PayPal may deduct up to 5% processing fee

From outside the UK, please use our International Bank A/c Number: GB80HBUK40473104405668 (Branch Code: HBUKGB4109Y)

Other ways to donate include via Smile.Amazon.Co.Uk and/or PayPal (eBay) when you select ICOUK as your choice of UK Charity.

Virtues of Sadaqah (Charity)

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Wealth does not diminish by giving Sadaqah (charity). Allah augments the honour of one who forgives; and one who serves another seeking the pleasure of Allah, Allah will exalt him in ranks." [Muslim]. (Riyad-us Saliheen, Book 1, Hadith 603)

Narrated Abu Huraira: A man came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and asked, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! Which charity is the most superior in reward?" He replied, "The charity which you practice while you are healthy, niggardly and afraid of poverty and wish to become wealthy. Do not delay it to the time of approaching death and then say, 'Give so much to such and such, and so much to such and such.' And it has already belonged to such and such (as it is too late)." (Bukhari, Book 24, Hadith 23)

Narrated `Adi bin Hatim heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying: "Save yourself from Hell-fire even by giving (even) half a date-fruit in charity." (Bukhari, Book 24, Hadith 21)

Support ICOUK prizes with your donation

We wish to offer a range of prizes to the winners of the “Spot the Moon Competition”. We have designed the following ICOUK Merchandise to raise the funds. The suggested prices below are for small quantities (1 – 5) plus Postage and Packaging (P&P).

If you are interested in purchasing any of the items below (for yourself and/or family/friends), please email us via our on-line Contact Us form with the quantities required and we will be happy to provide you with a final price.

The delivery of the item will require 3 - 10 days, depending on the quantity required and availability of stock. Thank you in advance for your support.

ICOUK Merchandise
 Keyring  Freezer Magnet Mug  
Keyring (H50 x W35 mm) £3.50
FreezerMagnetLogo sample
Freezer Magnet (H60 x W90) £4.50
Mug (H91 x D81 mm) £7.50