Friday 17th January 2025 | Jumuah 16th Rajab 1446 [?]
Crescent Moon Visibility of Muharram 1440 AH

The crescent visibility map below for Muharram 1440 shows that moon will be born on 9 September 2018 at 18:01 GMT/UT, but it will not be visible by the naked-eye anywhere in the UK/Morocco region on that date. However, on 10 September 2018 the moon will be easily visible throughout most of the world. Hence, the month of Muharram is most likely to start from 11 September 2018, InShaAllah.

Visibility Map for Muharram 1440 AH (a)

Visibility Map for Muharram 1440 AH (b)

When to Observe the Crescent Moon of Muharram 1440 AH

Please look for the Hilal of Muharram 1440 AH on 10 September 2018 (29th Dhul Hijjah) after sunset from the western horizon as per Sunnah and report your results (positive or negative) via our website Observation Report Form. [Photo Competition]

Results of Crescent Moon Observations for Muharram 1440 AH

ICOUK Moon Report

10 Sep 2018
United Kingdom


Not seen after sunset: On 10 Sep 2018, ICOUK member Mr Juned Patel from Bolton City in the Lancashire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Juned Patel commented: "On Monday, 10th of September 2018 (29 Dhul-Hijjah 1439 AH) between 20:00 to 20:30 UTC (Sunset 19:38 & Moonset 20:22 UTC) at Bolton, UK the Crescent has not been sighted and the sky was completer covered with very dense clouds".


Not seen after sunset: On 10 Sep 2018, ICOUK member Mr Younes Foster from Cobo City in the Guernsey County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Younes Foster commented: "No breaks in the cloud, it started to drizzle with shower from the ocean at Maghrib".


Not seen after sunset: On 10 Sep 2018, ICOUK member Mr Imad Ahmed from Hailnault City in the London County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

Mr Imad Ahmed commented: "A group of 7 of us looked for the moon. We also had binoculars. There was some cloud but actually quite a significant clear patch where we would have expected the moon. Nevertheless the moon was not seen".


Not seen after sunset: On 10 Sep 2018, ICOUK member Mr Ayub Kara from Morden City in the Greater London County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Binoculars.

Mr Ayub Kara commented: "Hilal not seen. Cloud pockets in the western horizon".


Not seen after sunset: On 10 Sep 2018, ICOUK member Shaykh Sulayman Gani from Purley City in the London County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

Shaykh Sulayman Gani commented: "The 5 of us attempted to observe the crescent moon [of Muharram 1440]. We came to the location before sunset. It was cloudy [so] we did not sight it".


Not seen after sunset: On 10 Sep 2018, ICOUK member Eng Qamar Uddin from York City in the North Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Eng Qamar Uddin commented: "It was totally cloudy in York so there was no chance of seeing the Hilal of Muharram today at all, unfortunately".



Seen after sunset: On 10 Sep 2018, ICOUK member Prof Hassan Talibi from Benslimane City in the Casablanca-Settat County (Morocco) mentioned that the sky was Clear, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Prof Hassan Talibi commented: "بصعوبة كبيرة رصدت هلال محرم 1440 أرجو من الله تعالى أن يكون هلال يمن وخير وأن يدخل علينا هذه السنة بالخير والبركة Translation: I spotted the Hilal of Muharram 1440 with great difficulty. I ask Allah this crescent brings prosperity and to start the new year with goodness and blessing".

Saudi Arabia


Not seen after sunset: On 10 Sep 2018, ICOUK member Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel from Abha City in the Aseer County (Saudi Arabia) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel commented: "Not seen as there was a huge cloud cover where the moon was to be sighted. Could see Venus and Jupiter easily whenever the clouds allowed them to be seen".

11 Sep 2018
United Kingdom


Not seen after sunset: On 11 Sep 2018, ICOUK member Mr Juned Patel from Bolton City in the Lancashire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Juned Patel commented: "The sky was completely covered by clouds. I could not see the crescent moon".

London (Northolt)

Not seen after sunset: On 11 Sep 2018, ICOUK member Mr Imad Ahmed from London (Northolt) City in the Greater London County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Imad Ahmed commented: "Went with a large group from SOFA COLLEGE together with NEW CRESCENT SOCIETY. We had a good training session but we could not see a thing due to thick stormy clouds [Northola Fields]".

Vazon Bay

Seen after sunset: On 11 Sep 2018, ICOUK member Mr Younes Foster from Vazon Bay City in the Guernsey County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Younes Foster commented: "Crescent observed for approximately 30 minutes until it disappeared below cloud over the ocean. I took these photos over the Fort Hommet by Vazon Bay, a German Gun Bunker from the 2nd World War.".


Not seen after sunset: On 11 Sep 2018, ICOUK member Eng Qamar Uddin from York City in the North Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

Eng Qamar Uddin commented: "In spite of a clear day, the western horizon became very cloudy after sunset. There was a big bank of thick cloud sitting on the position of the moon so it wasn't seen".

Announcement for start of Muharram 1440 AH

On Monday 10th September 2018 (29th Dhul Hijjah 1439 AH) the Hilal of Muharram 1440 was not sighted in the UK but it was sighted in Morocco. We have also received a positive sighting report from Morocco Awqaf Ministry (login to view).

Therefore, the month of Dhul Hijjah 1439 AH will have 29-days and the month of Muharram 1440 AH will start from Tuesday 11th September 2018, making Ashura (10 Muharram) to fall on Thursday 20th September 2018, InShaAllah.

Significance of Ashura (10 Muharram)
1. Narrated Ibn `Abbas (R): When the Prophet (ﷺ) arrived at Medina he found that the Jews observed fast on the day of 'Ashura'. They were asked the reason for the fast. They replied, "This is the day when Allah caused Moses and the children of Israel to have victory over Pharaoh, so we fast on this day as a sign of glorifying it." Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "We are closer to Moses than you." Then he ordered that fasting on this day should be observed. (Bukhari) 
2. Abdullah b 'Abbas (R) reported that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) had said: "If I live till the next (year), I would definitely observe fast on the 9th [along with the 10th]", and the narration transmitted by Abu Bakr said: "He meant the day of Ashura." (Muslim) 
3. Abu Qatadah (R) narrated that: the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Fast the Day of Ashura, for indeed I anticipate that Allah will forgive (the sins of) the year before it." (Tirmidhi)
Note that Saudi Arabia may announce the Muharram hilal on their SPA website.