Friday 14th February 2025 | Jumuah 15th Sha'ban 1446 [?]

With the potential different start dates of Ramadan and Eid, a number of letters were sent on behalf of ICOUK members to Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib (حفظه الله), founder of Darul Uloom Bury, to review his current moon sighting practice and consider adopting a Regional Moon Sighting Criteria for the UK (i.e. UK to Morocco) as previously recommended by Darul Uloom Deoband (India).

All the letters have requested a response before the start of Ramadan 1438. So far, we have not received any response from Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib or any other scholars of Darul Uloom Bury. All the copies of our letters (with Urdu translations) are shown below for the benefit our ICOUK members (and other UK Muslims) to make an informed decision for Ramadan and Eid, InshaAllah.

Related: Moon Sighting Practice And Darul Uloom Bury

1st Letter sent, dated 10/4/2017 (12 Rajab 1438)
1st Delivery, dated 11/4/2017

icouk LetterDarulUloomBury


LettertoDarulUloomBuryPhoto 2017 04 08

LettertoDarulUloomBuryDelivary 2017 04 11

email LettertoDarulUloomBury 2017 04 10

2nd Letter sent, dated 5/5/2017 (8 Shaban 1438)
2nd Delivery, dated 6/5/2017

1 icouk LetterDarulUloomBury Reminder1


LettertoDarulUloomBuryPhoto 2017 05 05

LettertoDarulUloomBuryDelivary 2017 05 06
email LettertoDarulUloomBury 2017 05 05
3rd Letter sent, dated 19/5/2017 (22 Shaban 1438)
3rd Delivery 20/5/2017

icouk LetterDarulUloomBury Reminder2


LettertoDarulUloomBuryPhoto 2017 05 19

LettertoDarulUloomBuryDelivary 2017 05 20
email LettertoDarulUloomBury 2017 05 20

Telephone call to Darul Uloom Bury on 7/5/2017 16:30 Hrs Audio: {datmp3}DarulUloomBury-2017-05-07.mp3{/datmp3} [CLICK HERE]telephone icon1MP3